Video Overview - Daily Time Entry
- Select the Pay Type Group "FIELD PAY"
- Make sure you are on the correct week
- In the example below, one job (1500), four cost codes and a single certified class (Boilermaker) were added to the time sheet.
- Time is entered WITHOUT consideration to overtime. Overtime rules are known for each job and will be applied automatically . . . you need not worry about coding for overtime.
- Time can also be entered for GL Accounts. When adding a GL Account, do NOT select a job. Generally, the GL accounts that are available for each crew include:
- 10-10-31-7001 Equip Mgmt - for use when working on Landmark Equipment
- 10-XX-XX-7001 Departmental Salary - for use when coding for Superintendent Vacation time
- 10-XX-XX-7005 Departmental Training - for use when coding for time spent training
- The Total Hours are shown in the lower right-hand corner total summary