Video Overview - hh2 Time Sheet Parameters Area
Time Sheet – Parameters Area
- Views-Daily versus Weekly View - click the "Daily" or "Weekly" Icon. Daily view displays a single day, with all crew members assigned shown across the top. The weekly view displays a week's worth of data for a single crew member.
- Payroll Group – field superintendents will only see their own crew, Approval Group members will see all groups assigned to them.
- Employee – allows you to toggle between time sheets for employees assigned to the crew when in the weekly view
- Pay Period – Allows you to choose among different Pay Periods
- Pay Type Group – allows you to toggle between coding for:
- Time (FIELD PAY)
- Travel/Per Diem Claims (FIELD TVL/PD)
- Leave Without Pay (LWOP)
- Superintendent Vacation Time (FIELD SUPT VAC)
The "More" Button
- Time-Allows "Quick" entry of time for a single Employee/Job/Cost Code – Not very useful
- Look- Allows a "Quick" look at all time for the current employee
- Members- Allows you to modify crew members, add employees to, or delete employees from the crew
- The top area shows employees assigned to the crew, to remove, hit the X
- The bottom area shows employees NOT assigned to the crew, to assign, hit the + sign
- To locate an employee, type a portion of their name in the Search bar at the top
- Excel – Generate labor detail report in excel for this date range
- PDF – Generate PDF time sheet for this date range
- Settings – Allows you to change your personal settings for hh2 RP
- Help – Launches a new web window with hh2 help forums
- Refresh Button next to "More" – Refreshes the current view.